In this column, Ask Kenji, the renowned cookbook author Kenji López-Alt, known for his expertise in culinary science, shares his insights and answers your burning questions. Today, he delves into the surprising science behind salting scrambled eggs.
Question and Answer
Q. Should I add salt to scrambled eggs before cooking, during, or after?
A. The debate on when to add salt to scrambled eggs has sparked curiosity among home cooks for years. Gordon Ramsay, in his viral video, advises against salting eggs before cooking, citing its potential to break down the eggs and result in a watery texture. However, the truth behind salting scrambled eggs is more nuanced than a simple yes or no.
According to López-Alt, seasoning scrambled eggs before cooking can enhance both their texture and flavor gradually. While Ramsay’s recommendation to add salt at the end of cooking also yields satisfactory results. Ultimately, the decision lies in personal preference and the desired outcome of the dish.
Recipe: Extra-Creamy Scrambled Eggs
For those seeking an extra-creamy scrambled egg experience, consider trying the following recipe that combines science and culinary finesse:
- Ingredients:
- – Eggs
- – Salt
- – Butter
- – Optional: Cream or milk
- – Optional: Fresh herbs
A Little Background
Scrambled eggs have been a subject of culinary debate, with preferences ranging from fluffy and moist to custardy and creamy. Despite these variations, one common agreement prevails: properly salted eggs enhance their overall taste. The key distinction lies in achieving moist eggs, as opposed to the undesirable outcome of overly wet eggs.